Sunday 1 September 2013

A timely reminder

Received a txt from Eddie Filmmaker today asking 'how far with your project?'  Good question.  Eddie filmed some footage of the auditions for Deadly Sins.   Writing including some Shona translation should be completed this week and then after that............

Just a reminder (more for myself), Deadly Sins is meant to be like Tales of the Unexpected.

or Twilight Zone but based in Zimbabwe.  Having watched some episodes of the former on You tube recently (thanks You tube), I have to say my 'version' will lean more towards the latter with a lot more spookiness.  And perhaps less of the obligatory twist at the end cos in some of the episodes I've seen lately of the classic UK show, the twist is a bit more like a straight line.

Saturday 13 October 2012

Got someone working on the theme tune.  I had composed something myself then I realised it sounded suspiciously like Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata:

Dog Fight


Basically I had too many home videos on my laptop, taking up too much space.  I couldn't delete them all so I started editing them into short clips and I realised it's also really good practice of my 'film making'  skills.   

The title is taking from a line from Laurel and Hardy film called Block Heads.  Why?  Because the dogs are also called Laurel and Hardy.

Hoping to attend a book launch this Thursday.  Should be fun!

...and as it's my day off on Friday, I can come home when I want to...

Filming Practice/Home Videos

Have posted this edited home video.  I discuss it’s technical issues in the production notes tab.

Hoping to attend a book launch this Thursday (paste picture of invite).  Should be fun!

Time flies when you're working hard

News Presenting is taking over my life.  The head of news, Alice Mutema said there are 'no hours in broadcasting' and I'm coming to realise the truth of that statement.  The month of July has gone by with no blog post.  I feel slightly bad about that but I was also accumulating lots of information which will probably mean that August is choc block with stuff.  You wait around for ages then two.......


Working full time at the radio station and struggling to find/make time to keep in touch with this project.  Have finished interviews with 3 legends in Zim arts industry.  Will upload these soon in interviews tab.